Situated at the heart of Liverpool’s Northern City Fringe, the Ten Streets development emerges as a pioneering “creativity district,” linking Liverpool Waters, North Liverpool, and the City Centre. Spanning approximately 125 acres of former dockland, this visionary project is set to redefine Liverpool’s landscape with up to 1 million square feet of development, ushering in a new era of prosperity and international acclaim.

Aiming to accommodate a diverse range of creative businesses, from start-ups to established enterprises, Ten Streets is poised to become the beating heart of Liverpool’s vibrant creative quarter.

  • 125 acres of former historic dockland
  • Aims to generate up to 2,500 jobs
  • Up to 1 million sq ft of development space
  • Set to become one of Liverpool’s emerging creative districts
“The Ten Streets area of Liverpool presents a unique opportunity to create something new for the city, building on the positive regeneration that has occurred to date, while creating an area with its own identity that can draw footfall, jobs, and visitors north from the current city centre core.”
Liverpool City Council

The Ten Streets vision, led by Liverpool City Council, Harcourt Development, and Torus, is rooted in Ten Big Ideas, embracing the area’s unique assets—maritime architecture, commercial heritage, and location. It aspires to nurture an ecosystem fostering innovation, creativity, and economic growth.

At the forefront is the commitment to serve as an “Engine for Growth,” generating 2,500 jobs and contributing to Liverpool’s economy. With a focus on cultural enterprises, the development aims to provide a dynamic environment for artistic and creative ventures, integral to Liverpool’s future economy.

  • Vision Unveiled: Ten Big Ideas
  • Cultural Oasis: Theatres, Music Venues, Immersive Experiences
  • Engine for Growth: Jobs and Prosperity

Adding a cultural dimension, Ten Streets plans to introduce a cutting-edge theatre and music venue, enhancing its reputation as an events destination and solidifying its status as a creative catalyst within Liverpool.

Ten Streets aims to set new standards in sustainability, embracing renewable energy, environmentally sustainable design, and innovative construction, while respecting the area’s history.

The area represents an incedible canvas for creative innovation, attracting and nurturing start-ups, artists, and independent creatives. By fostering a thriving community, it propels Liverpool into a new era of creativity and prosperity.

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