Sciontec promises cycling revolution as Hemisphere gets the green light at Paddington Village
Sciontec’s first new-build development, HEMISPHERE, has been granted planning permission, subject to the imminent formality of signing a standard Section 106 agreement.
Liverpool City Council has today approved the planning application for HEMISPHERE, a new 120,000 sq ft, eight-storey, standout innovative workspace development located on Paddington Village, in the Knowledge Quarter Liverpool (KQ Liverpool) innovation district, next to the iconic Spine building.
HEMISPHERE will be the first new-build development for Sciontec Developments Limited (Sciontec), which already owns Liverpool Science Park, is redeveloping Sensor City and operates the Sciontec AI serviced space offices in The Spine.
HEMISPHERE will be the first operational net zero carbon innovative workspace building in the Liverpool City Region, having been expertly designed by Sciontec’s commercial team and consultants, including Bruntwood SciTech, AHR, Stantec (formerly Barton Willmore), Ares Landscape Architects Ltd, Artin Light, Silcock Leedham Consulting Engineers, Curtins, Walker Sime, Flinders Chase, RWDI and Wintech. Features include a south facing external terrace and a café open to the public.
Colin Sinclair, CEO at Sciontec, said: “The granting of planning permission for HEMISPHERE marks a significant milestone for the team at Sciontec, enabling our commitment to sustainable development, economic growth, wellbeing and innovation to progress at pace.
“We are promising to make HEMISPHERE the most cycling commuter friendly workspace in the city centre, by not only including 166 secure cycle spaces but all e-bike charging facilities, drying facilities, changing rooms and showers for cyclists. As a cyclist myself, I know how important it is to not only recharge your bike whilst at work but also to dry the clothes you wore to cycle in and to store your kit securely. We want to make commuting by bike a viable option all year round.
“What’s more, our future customers at HEMISPHERE will also benefit from a wellness studio and yoga classes, as well as KQ Liverpool’s range of innovation services, and be part of the ‘Village’ community that is coming to life in this thriving and increasingly vibrant part of the city centre.”
In addition to the £12m already invested in Paddington Village from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s (LCRCA) Single Investment Fund for enabling works, HEMISPHERE has also received support from the Combined Authority via a pre-development funding support package for the JV.
With construction due to start in 2023, and an expected completion date of 2025, interest in taking space within HEMISPHERE is building amongst the health, tech, digital, science and education sectors.
Discussions are already underway with potential occupiers, with the building’s exceptional digital connectivity, customer wellbeing, and collaborative workspace features proving a great attraction.
Remi Smith, Commercial Manager at Sciontec, added: “The 15,000 sq ft floor plates have each been designed to accommodate around 160 people and will comprise a mix of open plan workspaces, meeting rooms, private spaces and breakout areas, creating a community feel and meeting the market demand for flexible, future-proof office spaces.
“With Sciontec’s emphasis on wellbeing, including customer amenities, we anticipate high demand for workspace within this groundbreaking new building. Furthermore, our pioneering development will have a direct, positive impact on Liverpool City Region’s standings in the provision of high quality innovation-led workspace, which is not only net zero carbon in operation, but also Platinum WELL Standard.”
Occupiers will benefit from HEMISPHERE’s world leading design credentials and amenities that support health, social and cultural well-being. Its unique outdoor workspaces and industrial collaboration hub on the ground floor will also provide opportunities for a diverse mix of innovators, students, SMEs, freelancers and large corporations to meet and collaborate.
Councillor Sarah Doyle, Assistant Mayor of Liverpool and Cabinet Member for Development and Economy, said: “This is a much-needed high quality scheme to generate skilled jobs, and will also help meet our net zero target.
“We have listened to partners on the need for more quality office space and this will provide the city with much needed Grade A accommodation, giving people top quality work conditions.
“It highlights how seriously we are tackling climate change, and our plan to attract the brightest minds in developing cutting edge medical research.
“It is part of our wider ambitions to stimulate economic growth, deliver social value and tackle inequalities to give everyone a better quality of life – regardless of background, identity or postcode.”
Steve Rotheram, Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said: “Developments like this are befitting of a modern, forward-looking city region like ours. Sciontec’s plans for HEMISPHERE encapsulate much of my vision for the region: harnessing the expertise of our world-class universities in the heart of the Knowledge Quarter, attracting nationwide jobs and housing it all in one of the cleanest, greenest buildings in our region – the first to be operationally net zero.
“With world leading industry clusters in infectious disease control, materials chemistry, and AI, all on our doorstep, we have a thriving innovation economy. But to keep it growing, it’s vital that we are able to offer businesses the high-tech, sustainable office space they need to flourish and catapult our area to the forefront of UK innovation. HEMISPHERE will help take us there. It’s great to see it take another step forward and I can’t wait to see it start to take shape!”
For more information on Sciontec and HEMISPHERE click HERE.